Raw Natural Pure Sourwood Honey & Wildflower Honey
From the Pisgah Forest in Brevard, and Lake Toxaway, North Carolina

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Bee removal
Swarming is just the natural way the honeybee colony reproduces itself, and in the spring there is an overwhelming urge to do so. As beekeepers, we try to manage this instinct, sometimes unsuccessfully. honeybee swarm

When this happens, the queen along with about half the colony’s population, takes wing and pours out of the colony’s entrance, forming a cloud of bees and leaving. The queen alights on some object, usually a tree branch, and her pheromones orient the swarm on the branch around her. This is a temporary staging situation and may last only a few hours. The swarm will be looking for a new cozy home, perhaps inside the wall of your house or barn.

During this time the bees are not aggressive. Having no honey stores or young brood to protect, they are very docile. For many people, the natural reaction is to want to exterminate the bees. But knowing how important bees are to the environment, especially for pollination, we encourage you to consider rescue and relocation as an alternative solution.

This is a free service, just allow us to keep the bees.

If you find a honeybee swarm in the Brevard / Cashiers /
Lake Toxaway / Mills River / Balsam Grove area
call my cell at 828-577-2468.

Find a honeybee swarm? Relocate don't exterminate

We are trained climbers,
with equipment and safety
harnesses and can handle
even difficult situations.

"Safety First"

Before calling, identify the bees as "honey bees"

Generally speaking:

If they are nesting on the ground, they are not honeybees.
If they are bright yellow with no hair and black stripes, they are not honeybees.
If they have orange heads, they are not honeybees.
If they have built comb out of mud or a papery stuff, they are not honeybees.
If they are hanging out in a huge clump they are probably honeybees.

these are not honeybees
Fred's Swarm
Another typical swarm, this one in a dogwood tree